Sunday, January 3, 2010

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Copper as He is Recovering

Pictures of Copper As He is Recovering

The Amazing Recovery of My Pit Bull

On Thursday, Febrary 12, 2009, my red nose pit bull, Copper, who is a houdini in the dog world decided to escape out of his fence. Long story short, he got hit by a car, of all things, a police officer who was in the wrong jurisdiction at the time. I'm not going to mention any names or any towns, but I guess it's all left up to karma. My dog ran into the culvert, where the officer left him and we didn't get him out until midnight...long hours sitting in the cold water for him. Finally, we got him out and he couldn't walk, his back legs had been paralized - or so it seems. We took him to the vet, where they told us he would need to be put to sleep. No way, my dog was still there, you'd say his name, he'd look up at you, he'd give kisses, he watched out the window all the way to the vet, I wasn't about to have the vet end his life. My dog didn't seem to be in BAD pain, he wasn't yelping or anything. With some help (A leash under his tummy) he walked all the way out to the car from the vets office - all the while, looking at me saying "I can do it - see." A couple weeks later, after some tender love and care, he is now able to stand up on his own and use his back legs. It's not to the fullest movement, but he is not paralized. What the vet pointed out was not his real problem, the vet only wanted to focus on killing the dog. Was this one of those popular pit bull haters that doesn't care about the breed? They didn't even look him over like they should have. Who knows, but my dog has went through an amazing recovery and I really look up to him for it.

No matter what, no matter how much the walls seem to be closing in, even if the doctor tells you that you are better off dead, they may be wrong. Don't believe me? Well, my dog is living proof of this.
Thank you for reading about Copper, feel free to comment. However, if you're one of those hateful people that hate pit bulls, don't comment, just leave my blog.

Thanks, Melanie

Friday, December 5, 2008

The Great American Pit Bull and Copper Dog

For those of you who are not aware, pit bulls are my favorite breed out there. I have a pit bull named Copper, he isn't able to live with me because of the restrictions. My parents were kind enough to care for him, but I still think of him as my dog...he will always be my dog and my best friend. I had him since he was a small puppy, 6 weeks old to be exact. He will be turning two years old soon...they sure do grow up fast. That's 14 years old in dog years...he's a teenager now! But he is a smart dog and very caring.
There is so much controversy going on with the American pit bull, but honestly, they are loyal, fun loving dogs. Pit bulls will do anything a human tells them to do, pit bulls will honor their honor until they die...that's just how they are. If the owner teaches them to do bad, then the pit bull will not know any better. It's the owners who should be punished, not the pit. Whenever you get a chance, I recomend you reading the story on "Stuby" the American Pit Bull who found the German Spy in the a search in Google for that. You'll be amazed at how many pit bulls go out of their way for us humans...and people want to put them to sleep and kill them for no reason. People like this make me sick...i've heard too much crap about pit bulls and I don't want to hear anymore. This is an open blog, but if you have something negative, I don't care to hear it. For those of you who love pit bulls, there is the 2009 calender out. Each month will show a new picture of a pit bull. What will Decembers pit bull look like? Get the calender and see. I already have. Here is the link where you can purchase it.

More Stuff for Reptiles

It's winter time and those reptiles do not need to be cold, this can stress them out. We are sure to make sure our tegu, bearded dragon and other lizards are not cold, but at the same time we like them to be soaking up that sunlight they need. We like to use the ESU Reptile Ceramic Infrared Heat Emitter. This is designed to keep those reptiles warm. The ESU Reptile Ceramic Infrared Heat Emitter is definatly the way to go. When your reptile gets the ESU Reptile Ceramic Infrared Heat Emitter, he will be so comfortable. Don't forget to include some sunlight in there for your lizard.

Stuff for Reptiles

As I mentioned in the post down below, you shouldn't leave your reptiles out. There are many things you could purchase for your reptiles. Do you have a reptile that enjoys eating crickets? Such as a bearded dragon? If so, then you should look into the cricket pillow. For those of you who keep crickets, you have to supply them with water. Instead of giving those crickets a water dish, in which they tend to drown in, you should give them a cricket pillow. The cricket pillow is a convenient way to hold the water for the crickets.